Sun ParkÀº ¼¼°è3´ë ÆмǽºÄðÀÎ "Parsons"¿Í "Phode Island"¿¡¼­ ¼öÇÐÇÑ Çѱ¹Å»ýÀÇ Á־󸮵ðÀÚÀ̳ʷÎ
ƼÆÄ´Ï ¾Ø ÄÚ(Tiffany & co) ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀΰú ¸ðµ¨¸ÞÀÌÄ¿µîÀ¸·Îµµ ¸¹Àº ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀÎ ÀÛ¾÷À» ÇÏ¿´´Ù.
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¹Ì±¹ Authentics Home ÁÖ¾ó¸® ¼ö¼® µðÀÚÀÌ³Ê (2006-2008)
ƼÆÄ´Ï ¾Ø ÄÚ Tiffany Brabch ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀÎ&¸ðµ¨¸ÞÀÌÄ¿, ¹Ì±¹ (2005-2006)
µ¥À̺ñµå À²¸¸ David Yurman ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀÎ
ÇÏÀ̵ð Ŭ·ë Heidi Klum ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀÎ USA ·Îµå¾ÆÀÏ·£µå ±Ý¼Ó°ø¿¹°ú ¿Ü·¡±³¼ö01-06
M.F.A Rhode ISland School of Design ´ëÇпø, ÁÖ¾ó¸® ¹× ±Ý¼Ó°ø¿¹Àü°ø, ¼®»ç¿ìµî¿µ¿¹ Á¹¾÷ / 2001
B.F.A Parsons School of Design ´ëÇÐ, ±Ý¼Ó°ø¿¹Àü°ø, Çлç/1998
ÁÖ¾ó¸® ¼ö¼® µðÀÚÀÌ³Ê (Authentics Home)/ 2006-2008 Rhode Island, USA
C&J, Tiffany & co ÁÖ¾ó¸® µðÀÚÀÎ ¹× ¸ðµ¨¸ÞÀÌÄ¿/ 2005-2006 Rhode Island, USA
Rhode Island School of Design ±Ý¼Ó°ø¿¹°ú ¿Ü·¡±³¼ö / 2001-2006 Rhode Island, USA
ÁÖ¾ó¸® ¼ö¼® µðÀÚÀÌ³Ê¿Í ¸ðµ¨ Á¦ÀÛÀÚ (Karibou) /2003-2005 Rhode Island, USA

·Îµå¾ÆÀÏ·£µå ÁÖ¸³¹Ì¼ú°ü Àü½Ã MFA Exhibition (Museum of Fine Art Rhode Island School of Design, Providence)
´º¿å ¾Ç¼¼¼­¸® ¼î New York, Accessories Show (spring and fall collection)/ 2006-2007
¿ö½ÌÅÏ ¼î Washington Craft Show(Art Fair Show, Washington)/ 2003 º¸½ºÅæ Crafts at the Castle(Art Fair Show, Boston)/ 2002
³×´ú¶õµå Àü½ÃÀü Jewelry and Small Object (Marzee Gallery, The Netherlands)/ 2001
Sun Park ÀÇ µÎ¹ø° Ä÷º¼Ç
º§ºª (vervety)
Platinum 950
´Ù¿ì´Ï (dawny)
Platinum 950
¿Ã°¡´Ð (organic)
PT950 , diamonds
ÇÁ·Î½Ã (flossy)
Platinum 950
Sun parkÀÇ µÎ¹ø° Ä÷º¼ÇÀº ¡®»ý¸í·ÂÀ» °£Á÷ÇÑ À¯±âÀû ÇüÅ¡¯ÀÌ´Ù.
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Sun ParkÀÇ "¾¾¾Ñ ÄÝ·º¼Ç"Àº ¸¸³², ½ÃÀÛÀÌ °¡Áø »õ·Î¿î °¡´É¼º°ú Ãâ¹ßÀÇ Àǹ̸¦ À̾߱â ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
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Seed, original element of the nature, is the initial and returning stage of all botanic creatures.

It contains life, expresses its full vitality with the interaction of the environment, and creates environment. Seed is a starting and breath-taking object of the nature that contains a universe.
A well-known Jewelry artist, Sun Park¡¯s ¡°Seed Collection¡± initiates conversation with you about the meaning of a fresh new start and unlimited possibilities of the two for the coming future. Seed has been a source of an inspiration and enthusiasm of the artist Sun Park with its simplicity, possibility, and vitality.
The simplicity and creative shape of the jewelry collection reflects the initial stage of the seed that ¡°contains or conceives full of life.¡±

Elaborated setting of the jewelry, meanwhile, shows the vitality and limitless possibilities of the future of the two that will bloom.

Untitled Document
03130 ¼­¿ï Á¾·Î±¸ Á¾·Î 183 È¿¼º Á־󸮽ÃƼ ÁöÇÏ1Ãþ Àü½ÃÀå 1005È£
Tel : 02-744-9946
S1005 / 1006, Hyosung Jewelry City, 183, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82-2-744-9946 Fax:02-6008-6946
Ä¿Ç÷Π´ëÇ¥:±èÈñ¼± °³ÀÎÁ¤º¸´ã´çÀÚ:»ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£:101-05-10577 Åë½ÅÆǸŽŰí¹øÈ£ 2009-¼­¿ïÁ¾·Î-0163È£
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